Discussing your IBD life
Discussing your IBD life

Making the most of time with your provider
For someone living with Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis (UC) or inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) in general, establishing a good relationship with your care team can help ensure you’re managing your disease well and put your mind at ease. This conversation guide can help you feel more confident asking questions and getting the answers you need.
This guide includes tips for:
- Keeping your medical team informed.
- Coordinating care among specialists.
- Preparing your medical story.
- Making the most of your appointments.

Helping loved ones understand your IBD life
Thinking ahead about how to approach conversations with your friends and family about your IBD can help you feel more prepared and comfortable.
If you’re wondering where to begin, our friends and family conversation guide provides talking points and ideas for helping those closest to you understand what you’re going through and how they can help.
The guide includes tips for:
- Deciding when to disclose your diagnosis.
- Starting the conversation with friends and family.
- Sharing what the diagnosis means for you.
- Building your support system.
- Voicing your boundaries.
- Navigating different scenarios.