AGA - American Gastroenterological Association



Planning your IBD life

My IBD Life offers tips to help you plan for different scenarios:

Prepare for upcoming medical procedures and surgeries
Discussing your IBD life

The My IBD Life health care provider discussion guide can help you feel more confident asking questions to your care team and getting the answers you need to manage your condition.

The My IBD Life friends and family discussion guide provides talking points and ideas for helping those closest to you understand what you’re going through and how they can help.

Seeing IBD in 3D

Models of ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, and a j-pouch show how IBD impacts the body.

Learning about IBD

The American Gastroenterological Association’s (AGA) patient center shares more information about IBD, from management strategies to surgical interventions.

My IBD Life Parenthood Project

My IBD Life Parenthood Project has helpful resources and tools to help you manage your IBD symptoms at every stage of family planning: 

Provider resource – conversation guide 

Provider resource – IBD & pregnancy statistics 

Open Restrooms Movement

The Restroom Access Act and similar laws seek to ensure that people with certain medical conditions have access to employee-only restrooms when a public one is unavailable.

Some states allow patients to present “I Can’t Wait” cards with language to help them explain Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis to the outside world. This important resource can be provided free of charge to anyone with IBD who may need it. To request a card, please call 888-MY-GUT-PAIN (888-694-8872).

There is also a “We Can’t Wait” app, which lists nearby public toilets by location via an interactive map.

Eat Well Exchange

Eat Well Exchange is a resource that helps advise how to modify or increase the nutritional value of recipes or cultural dishes. They provide cooking demos and classes and advocate for access to healthier foods.

Support groups

You might find it helpful to talk and share experiences and challenges with other patients with Crohn’s disease or colitis. There are many in-person and online support groups for patients with IBD throughout the country, including:

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