My IBD Life on my terms

IBD life on Joshua’s terms
Building emotional resilience
Take a step in Joshua’s shoes to learn how he adjusted his life to manage his IBD while refusing to let it control his happiness.
My IBD life on my terms

IBD life on Joshua’s terms
Building emotional resilience
Take a step in Joshua’s shoes to learn how he adjusted his life to manage his IBD while refusing to let it control his happiness.
Working with your IBD, not around it
The following planners include tips to help you feel confident navigating a range of common scenarios, from talking to your provider about starting new medications to putting together the itinerary for your next big trip.
Working with your IBD, not around it
Making the most of time with your provider
Helping loved ones understand your IBD life

Planning for pregnancy
If you’re thinking about starting a family, it’s important to discuss your goals early with your providers. Remember, with proper planning and care, women with IBD can, and do, have healthy pregnancies. The My IBD Life Parenthood Project was developed to provide you with tools and resources to help you along your journey to parenthood – every step of the way!
See how IBD affects your body
See how IBD impacts the body—and learn more about your condition—with these models of ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease and a j-pouch.

See how IBD affects your body
See how IBD impacts the body—and learn more about your condition—with these models of ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease and a j-pouch.

More resources for living your best IBD life